Samsung also launched a new payment app called Samsung Pay Mini in India. Essentially, ‘Samsung Pay Mini’ looks to enable digital payments on mid range devices, and for now, it has been launched on select Samsung devices.
Samsung Pay Mini comes with UPI and mobile wallet integration, and it does not support offline tap-and-pay using credit and debit cards like the Samsung Pay main app. Samsung Pay was launched in India in March this year, and it supports both NFC and MST (Magnetic Secure Transmission) technologies that allow a user to send a magnetic signal from smartphone to the payment terminal’s card reader in shops, restaurants, and other point-of-sale (PoS) terminals.
Samsung Pay vs Samsung Pay Mini
This way, Samsung Pay eliminates the need to carry debit and credit cards, allowing users to make contactless payments across various retail outlets using specific smartphones. You just need to open Samsung Pay app, select the card, touch the device to the metal strip of the PoS machine, authenticate with fingerprint and the payment is made.
Samsung Pay also comes with Paytm integration, and recently even added UPI support, to enable multiple types of digital payments in just one app.