Due to Firstonetv service stopped which streamed almost all the channels from all across the world it has been a problem to stream our favorite channels. This affected a huge number of people who were using firstonetv for streaming. so we have come with our post for an alternative for firstonetv app available.
So Today I will tell you how you can access and watch your channels which you were watching in firstonetv.
FirstOneTV Alternatives
#1 FreeinterTV – Firstonetv Alternative
After, the discontinuation of Firstone tv would say FreeinterTV is one of the best options for streaming. FreeinterTV has a similar interface as firstonetv they have a range of 2,500+ Channels which is quite a large collection. They do not have any limitation to view which is a great option in this that’s why we have listed it as the best alternative of firstone tv.
FreeinterTV updates it’s link regularly all the dead links are updated regularly.Firstone TV has quite a number of filters available for browsing in their interface you can filter according to your preferred genre, preferred country channels. You will get a list in dropdown in which you can select your preferred channel. There is no need to install any plugins for streaming which is quite good in it.
For accessing the site you might require a VPN depends on the channel you will be streaming. Talking about the interface it’s quite old designed and is not quite mobile-friendly which is a drawback in it.
Link – FreeinterTV
Mobdro Mobile App
Another, alternative to Firstonetv is Modro Mobile App through which you can easily stream channels through your phone and would say it is one of the best options for mobile to stream channels online.
This is not an official service so legally would not recommend you to use this app. The team behind the Mobdro App updates the dead links quite fast their team is quite active. Thus talking about the working of the app it works quite nice.
They have two subscriptions Freemium as well as Premium. The difference in both plans are that the freemium app has some limitations when compared with Premium that is you cannot capture the video or Chromecast. If you want to upgrade the plan you can upgrade in the app.
Mobdro service is limited to only App you cannot stream it through website or iOs which is its limitation. This app is also Not available on Playstore due to copyright issues.
There is a way by which you can you use this app on your PC which is explained below.
Note – We do not Support Piracy This Post is only for educational purpose.
Steps to use Mobdro App on PC
You need to install an Emulator in your PC to stream channels online on PC. We have used Bluestacks Emulator in this post you may use other emulators also.
- Firstly, Visit Bluestacks.com
- Click on the download button and download the emulator.
- Follow the installation steps.
- Now Go To Mobdro Official Site.
- Now download there latest APK.
- Drag the APK in the Emulator and install It.
- This Process you will be able to Stream in Mobdro App.
Due to Firstonetv service stopped their service so we thought of writing this post for our Audience.This has affected a huge number of people who were using firstonetv for streaming. So, now you are able to get a good alternative through our Post. I hope, you liked our post for Firstone TV alternatives let us know if you face any problems in the comments section we will try to solve It. I would recommend to check your country copyrights law and use the above firstone Tv alternatives.
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